African Diaspora Population

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Countries with the largest African Diaspora populations

Brazil has the largest African Diaspora population

When did Africans first arrive in Brazil.

African slavery in Brazil started in the early 1500’s. The Portuguese took Africans from central and west African countries like; the Congo, Angola, Nigeria, Mozambique and more. 40% of all Africans taken to the Americas, were taken to Brazil. Making Brazil the largest African Diaspora population.

What labor did Africans do in Brazil?

African slaves worked mainly on sugar plantations which fueled the Brazilian economy. Consequently, the economy switched to diamond and gold mining. Brazil needed many more Africans.

Were there slave revolts in Brazil?

Several slave revolts happened in Brazil between the years 1807 and 1835. The Afro-Brazilian martial art, Capoeira, was disguised as a dance and used for self defense against their en-slavers.

Who created Brazil’s national music?

Brazil’s national music ‘Zamba‘ was created by Africans and is very similar to the traditional music of Angola, Africa. How ever, in the beginning their music was scorned and even outlawed. Now the festivals of Afro Brazilian culture is celebrated all over the world (Mardi Gras).

When did slavery end in Brazil?

Brazil was the last country in the Americas to end slavery (in 1888). Similarly, Afro Brazilians still fight for equality.

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When did Africans first arrive in America.

The first Africans arrived in America in 1619. The British took Africans from countries like the Congo, Angola, Nigeria and others.

Were Africans indentured servants in America?

The first Africans were indentured servants. At one point a black man with a farm could have indentured servants which included white servants as well. Eventually that all changed when slave laws where passed in 1641.

What labor did Africans do in America?

Afro-American slaves worked on tobacco farms, cotton plantations and eventually did just about any job you could think of; carpenters blacksmiths, painters and so on. As a result black people had so many skills when slavery was abolished.

Who created America’s national music?

Afro Americans created several American music genres like jazz, gospel, country, bluegrass, rock, R&B, hip hop and others.

What religion are Afro Americans

African Americans are part of just about every religion in America: Christian, Muslim, Buddhism, Jehovah Witness and so on.

When did slavery end in America?

African Americans were finally made free on January 1, 1863 with Abraham Lincoln‘s emancipation proclamation. America was the second to the last country in the Americas to end slavery.

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When did Africans first arrive in Haiti?

The first Africans were brought to Haiti by the French in 1517. They came from several countries on Africa’s west coast.

What labor did Africans do in Haiti?

Afro Haitians worked very hard on sugarcane plantations causing Haiti to be the bread basket of the French economy at that time

Were there slave revolts in Haiti?

Largely because of the harsh treatment Afro Haitians rebelled continuously against slavery and consequently won their independence on January 1, 1804.

What happened after Afro Haitians won their independence?

Because of being boycotted and marginalized by France and the other European powers, as a result Haiti has had a big struggle on its hands.

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The Dominican republic was the first settlement set up by the Spanish in the Caribbean in 1496.

When did Africans first arrive in Dominican Republic?

The first Africans started to arrive in the Dominican Republic in 1503. They were taken from west and central Africa.

What labor did Africans do in The Dominican Republic?

The African slaves in the Dominican republic worked on sugar plantations at first. The Spanish Dominicans couldn’t compete with the French Haitian sugar economy therefore they focused on other things like gold mining, farming and ranching.

Were there slave revolts in The Dominican Republic?

The first major slave revolt took place in 1522.

When did slavery end in the Dominican Republic?

Slavery was abolished in the Dominican Republic in 1722.

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When did Africans first arrive in Colombia?

Africans arrived in Colombia in the 16th century. The Spanish took them from central and west African countries

What labor did Africans do in Colombia?

Gold mines, sugarcane plantations and cattle ranchers. African labor was important to all the regions of Colombia up to modern times.
Colombia had the largest slave port in South America. Buyers came from all over South America to the port.

Who created Colombia’s national music?

Afro Colombians originated bambuco, cumbia, porro and other musics.

When did slavery end in Colombia?

Slavery was abolished in Colombia on May 21, 1851. And that day is honored every year as Afro-Colombian Day.

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When the Moors marched over Spain in 711 .a.d in an effort to conquer all of Europe all the European countries got together and stopped them in Southern France. That’s why there is a large black population in the South of France.

So black people have lived in France for centuries. Four of Napoleon’s generals were black. One of his generals was the father of the famous writer of the Three Musketeers.

There are large populations of black people living in Paris, Lyon, Marseille and other areas. Black people now come to France mainly because they live in overseas French territories or they are African immigrants.

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When did Africans first arrive in Venezuela?

Africans slaves were brought to Venezuela in 1528 from west and central African countries like the Congo, Angola and Bantu.

What labor did Africans do in Venezuela?

Africans worked in the Copper mines, on plantation, among other things

Were there slave revolts in Venezuela?

The first slave rebellion was in 1532, only 4 years after the Africans had arrived. The largest slave rebellion was in 1552 were slaves escaped and made their own community.

These runaway communities were common in Venezuela. These self-freed Africans did raids on plantations, liberating slaves, take supplies and punishing their overseers.

When did slavery end in Venezuela?

Slavery was abolished in Venezuela April 28, 1854 

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When did Africans first arrive in Jamaica?

The Spanish brought the first black people to Jamaica as slaves in 1513.

Were there slave revolts in Jamaica?

Some Africans escaped to the interior and became known as maroons. The British took over the island in 1655 and tried to put the maroons back into slavery but the British paid a heavy cost.

This was called the first maroon war. A treaty was agreed on in 1739. The second maroon war happened because the British didn’t honor the first maroon war treaty. The final war (the Baptists war) was so brutal that the British pushed for abolition.

When did slavery end in Jamaica?

In 1834 the Africans classification moved from slave to indentured servant. And in 1838 they were made free.

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When did Africans first arrive in Britain?

African Muslims (The Moors) were in Britain in the dark ages (before 1200 ad) before the African slave trade. They subsequently even started noble families that are still around today.

African slaves begin to arrive in the 17th century from central and west African countries.

Comparatively, African slaves that were brought to England had a much better life than the ones taken to the West Indies. In the west Indies they did hard labor on plantations and in gold mines and in England slaves did light house work for upper class families. These rich families had black servants as a sign of wealth.

Were there slave revolts in England?

African slaves would run away to the east end of London where they Live among poor whites.

When did slavery end in England?

Slavery was abolished in England and its territories in 1807.

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When did Africans first arrive in Mexico?

There is evidence that Africans arrived in Mexico thousands of years ago.


African slaves were brought to Mexico in the 16th century during the colonial times. They came from mostly west and central African countries.

Were there slave revolts in Mexico?

In 1570 an African slave escaped from Veracruz Mexico named Gaspar Yanga. It is said he was of royal heritage from Gabon west Africa.  

He started an escaped slave colony in the mountains that thrived for four decades. The Spanish colonial powers sent several armies to destroy them.  Yanga and his ex-slave army defeated all of them. They finally agreed on a treaty with Spanish.

When did slavery end in Mexico?

The second President of Mexico (Guerrero) abolished slavery in 1829, before America’s civil war. President Guerrero had Afro Heritage.

Little is known about the African presence in Mexico today, for a few reasons; their numbers, racism in Mexico among other things.

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Countries with the largest African Diaspora Populations

#1. Brazil – 55.9 M. 40% of all Africans taken to the Americas were taken to Brazil.

#2. America – 46.4 M. The first Afro Americans were indentured servants.

#3. Haiti – 10.1 M. The first Africans were brought to Haiti by the French in 1517.

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  1. One thing I began to understand is that all Blacks and Moors are not African. Moors are the original man, and existed in all continents. Aboriginal Chinese, Japanese, American, Australian, European, Russian and everywhere else. There was Pangaea, then after the flood broke up the continents, Each son went to different continents and replenished the earth. Slave ships are a myth, we were already here!

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